
Cogito ergo sum

Ego. About justification.
One can do the most horrible things to people, even the ones you love. The feeling of guilt is irrelevant, we all know that it is coming to bite us in the ass some day and we will swear that if we could do anything different, if we could travel back in time, take back those words, change everything, we would. But the the gut awful truth is that we would do it all again. The reason for making mistakes is not because we don't know about retribution, it's because we simply don't care. Thinking that whatever we do, it'll be worth it in the end. And because the human being as an entity is selfish. We should strive not to be, but we can not deny that we are and that most of our deciscions spur from this great sense of ego that we have.

Enough about that.

It is horrible to go sleep in the middle of the day, you simply won't be the same when you wake. The brain feels like mosh, it's dark outside and you feel like you went to sleep in your own bed and woke up in the twilight zone.

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