
In the happyland

I have been sick for nearly a week. Swine-flew comes to mind and it is a frightening thought, I dare say. Although, all symptoms can be any other concern as well, as it turns out, greater things truly are to come.

There are points in your life when all come to an edge. Either this, or that. Decide. All things are opposed and the true colours reveal themselves. Call it fate if you will, these occurences that make you re-evaluate your life and priorities. The fears you thought you had are replaced by more massive ones and your childhood nightmares are crushed by their magnitude. I am still not sure if I am living my dream.

Choices. My heart tells me one, my mind another, and my body a third. I am scared of the future, cause it is so far blank. The abscence of everything concrete scares me. So does the existence without the abstract. I need to create my own dream, in order to live it. Not rely on half-thought-through-decisions and maybes. My dream will not trip on me, nor I on it. It won't exist if I don't create it, it won't exist if I don't create.

I need to not forget what I am, and what that entails. What I want from life can so easily be stolen, what I dream can so easily be forgotten. I must not forget who I used to be.

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