
Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Staffroom, int. scene 1. take 1million.
Angelica is situated at the end of the table, by the circling line of it's design, facing towards the kiosk. As usual. Some more co-workers sit down. Someone mentions a program they've seen, as usual. Everyone gathers in conventional chit-chat. This chit-chat almost always takes a turn down Hate-lane and by Prejudice-creek and furthers down the boulevard of Self-rightousness. It always starts with the news, or a tv-show, or any media that has discussed injustices in our society, criminals set loose and the inadequity of the Swedish policeforce. Cause all we really want is to see cops on the streets so that if someone, god forbid would steal a bike they would snatch them and throw them in the fiery ovens of justice once and for all!

You can see my sarcasm, I hope.

To me, this whole idea of putting criminals in prison and throwing away the key is putting another plaster on a plaster... and then a bandaid on the plaster. Instead of taking a real look at the wound and see if it needs cleaning, stitches, or maybe just a mothers kiss to make it all better. I don't believe in evil. Therefore I cannot in my mind justify the usage of punishment in any way. I believe that there is a thing called speciesconnection, that all species feel a certain connection with individuals of the same species and a connection that they can not deny. Any person who violates this instinctive feeling of responisibility towards a fellow specimen, must have some sort of defect. Medical or psychological. People who kill people, hit their wives, molest children, are sick. And should be treated, not preserved in a prison cell. People who steal for the sake of surviving, should be unpunished. People who steal just to get more money than they already have should pay back and apologize. This may all sound naive, but if we punish people like we do, or even worse in the future, there will be an endless spiral of rage, hate and revenge that will in the end annihilate the lot of human kind.

I will get back to discussion later on, trust me.

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